Thursday, November 13, 2008


The metal of toys recalled to manufacturers
he used safely, removed small pieces
from the palms of other preschoolers
like keys from drunks
as deftly as in the next decade
he avoided the preliminaries of sex -
a wrist of charms terrifying
in its bullet-like fragments,
a gleam of braces in a compact mouth.


Daniel said...

i like me.

Daniel said...

also, i don't completely get the terrifying wrist of charms, but otherwise this is more insightful than i'd like to admit.

E said...

I love this. The keys from drunks is one of the best lines I've heard in a while. I've been reading most of your stuff and am excited about it. I'll leave more comments as I get around to it. I also have a favor to ask. You have inspired me to start my own blog. I've caved I guess. Anyways, this is it.
I would love it if you could comment on some of my stuff. It is for my senior seminar, so yeah...